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Important: There is a Non-Refundable $200 Deposit. Please contact us for the full price of this litter of Goldendoodles.


Meet Lucy! She is sired by our handsome boy, Bandit, and is so very precious to us! Merci (mom) and Bandit(dad) both weigh approximately 40lbs (though they carry their weight very differently) and  have been 10-Way Genetically Tested through Paw Print Genetics. Merci has had one litter prior to this & we are happy to send pictures of her past puppies upon request. Please reach out with any questions you may have, and feel free to see more pictures and updates on our Facebook at Prairiepuppies.texas


Merci is a Medium F1-B Goldendoodle. Merci is a very attentive dog who absolutely loves her family. She is a sweetheart and is extremely faithful, not to mention absolutely gorgeous with her curls.  Bandit is an F1 Medium sized Goldendoodle. He is a porch dog who lives for belly rubs! Bandit's demeanor is extremely laid back and calm. 

Ask us about this litter, we would love to visit with you about what we have to offer!


  • Deposits are non refundable but may be transferred to another litter on a one time basis. 

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